The filter_nfi()
function provides hierarchical and non-hierarchical filtering approaches for the complex structure of National Forest Inventory data based on user-provided condition expressions (expr_texts
This function enables effective filtering while maintaining the relationship between plot data (parent data) and other data (child data).
- data
: A
generated byread_nfi
. Each dataframe should have a 'SUB_PLOT' column.- expr_texts
: @param expr_texts : A character vector; expressions specifying filtering conditions. Each expression should combine the dataframe name, dollar sign, and condition, with separate expressions for each data frame. (e.g., c("plot$OWN_CD == '5'", "tree$FAMILY == 'Pinaceae'"). Conditions must be valid R expressions.
- hier
: A logical flag (default TRUE); indicates whether to apply hierarchical filtering (
) or non-hierarchical filtering (FALSE
). Hierarchical filtering ensures that connected dataframes are filtered based on the results of filters applied to the parent frame.
This function parses expressions targeting specific columns in the dataframes within the provided list.
Expression requirements:
Each expression in
must start with a valid dataframe name in the list (e.g., "plot", "tree", "cwd") and combine the dataframe name, dollar sign, and condition (e.g. c("plot$OWN_CD == '5'").Separate expressions must be provided for each dataframe being filtered (e.g. c("plot$OWN_CD == '5'", "tree$FAMILY == 'Pinaceae' | tree$WDY_PLNTS_TYP_CD == '1'").
Hierarchical filtering (hier = TRUE
Filters applied to plot table affect all connected child data (tree, CWD, stump, etc.).
Filters applied to child data only operate within that dataframe and do not affect other dataframes.
Example: If only coniferous forest subplots are selected in the plot table, the child data will retain only the tree, CWD, stump, etc., associated with those subplots.
Non-hierarchical filtering (hier = FALSE
Filters applied to the parent dataframe (plot table) do not affect the child data.
Filtering results from child data affect all other parent and child data.
Example: If only certain species are selected in the tree table, the plot table, CWD table, stump table, etc., will be filtered based on the remaining subplots from this selection.
# Applying hierarchical filtering to select only privately owned forest subplots.
# Ensures all child tables' subplots match the filtered plot table's subplots.
# Expected results after filtering:
# all(nfi_donghae$tree$SUB_PLOT %in% nfi_donghae$plot$SUB_PLOT) result: TRUE
nfi_donghae <- filter_nfi(nfi_donghae, c("plot$OWN_CD == '5'"), hier = TRUE)
# \donttest{
# Non-hierarchical filtering to select only privately owned forest subplots.
# Child tables remain unfiltered and may not correspond to the plot table subplots.
# Expected results after filtering:
# all(nfi_donghae$tree$SUB_PLOT %in% nfi_donghae$plot$SUB_PLOT) result: FALSE
nfi_donghae <- filter_nfi(nfi_donghae, c("plot$OWN_CD == '5'"), hier = FALSE)
# Non-Hierarchical Filtering with only woody plants.
# Other tables remain filtered and correspond to the tree table.
# Expected results after filtering:
# all(nfi_donghae$plot$SUB_PLOT %in% nfi_donghae$tree$SUB_PLOT) result: TRUE
nfi_donghae <- filter_nfi(nfi_donghae, c("tree$WDY_PLNTS_TYP_CD == '1'"), hier = FALSE)
# Combining multiple filters across different dataframes
nfi_donghae <- filter_nfi(nfi_donghae,
c("plot$OWN_CD == '5'",
"tree$FAMILY == 'Pinaceae' | tree$WDY_PLNTS_TYP_CD == '1'"))
# }